The All Pro Polo League held and exciting exhibition match on Friday at IPC. After several training session, Pampas (Joaquin Panelo, Juan Martin Obregon, Juan Monteverde, Rob Jornayvaz) took a 5-4 victory over Eagles (Jason Wates, Felipe Viana, Brad Mallet, Tommy Collingwood) in what was a fast, open game.

“The second US edition went really well,” says Javier Tanoira, founder of the APPL. “The game was great to watch and everyone involved gave their best. High-goal players like Mariano Aguerre, the Pieres’, Santi Chavanne, and Hilario Ulloa all came out to watch; they enjoyed the exhibition and it was great to have their support.”

“We really want to thank Mark Bellissimo and everyone at IPC for their help and support,” added Tanoira. “It was amazing to see the APPL played at such an important club.”

The APPL will continue its world tour, encouraging dynamic, open polo and motivating a professional attitude towards the sport. Via a new set of rules, the APPL hopes to make polo a simpler, more enjoyable spectator sport by enhancing the qualities that make the game so thrilling.

Credits: Snoopy Productions